The National Meeting of Psychiatry Interns (ENIP) is a biennial national event organized by the Portuguese Association of Psychiatry Interns (APIP) since its inception. This meeting is specifically targeted at psychiatry interns and holds a prominent place among congresses and gatherings of the psychiatry community in Portugal. ENIP aims to create an opportunity for discussing topics relevant to all areas of mental illness, promoting the sharing of experiences and providing a space for meeting between interns, specialists, and other stakeholders in the Mental Health field.
Laetus® was responsible for the Visual Identity of the IX ENIP, further strengthening our relationship with APIP, which began in 2021 with the design and development of the association’s new website. This new challenge led us to conceptualize the Visual Identity for IX ENIP, with the theme “A Global Perspective on Mental Health.” The result speaks for itself: the 9th edition was a success, marking an important step in the professionalization of the association’s activities and standing out for its visual cohesion and memorable impact.
As we develop the case study, you can view the project directly at www.apipsiquiatria.pt/ix-encontro-nacional-de-internos-de-psiquiatria.
Discover more about the projects we developed for APIP.